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Great Lakes Chapter of the

American College of Healthcare Executives

Great Lakes Chapter of the

American College of Healthcare Executives

Becoming Accountable: Achieving Success in Population Health Management

  • 05/12/2017
  • 10:00 AM - 12:45 PM
  • Interactive Learning Center, 2436 Woodlake Cir #380, Okemos, MI, 48864


  • Not GLACHE or HIMSS Members
  • Student Registration

Registration is closed


Becoming Accountable: Achieving Success in Population Health Management

Description: In collaboration with the Healthcare Information Management Systems Society HIMSS, the Great Lakes Chapter will be offering this educational event.

Managing and being accountable for the health of a defined population is the new reality in healthcare. This session outlines the concepts of population health management in the Health Reform era. The presenter will discuss the implementation of population health management in a mid-size community hospital. Case studies of how healthcare organizations become accountable for population health by improving health status and driving cost-effective utilization will be presented. Topics to be discussed include risk stratification, shifting clinical orientation from volume to value, and leveraging Patient Centered Medical Homes as the foundation for accountable care.

Learning Objectives

• Describe key success factors for effective population health management

• Discuss innovative physician-hospital collaboration approaches for becoming accountable

• Identify specific planning and implementation steps to forming accountable care organizations


10:00 Welcome and Introduction of Moderator and Panelists

10:10 View 30-minute video presented by Bob Edmondson, MPH, FACHE "Becoming Accountable: Achieving Success in Population Health Management"

10:40 Reaction to video by panelists

Moderator: Sam R. Watson, MSA, MT (ASCP), CPPS, Senior vice president, Patient Safety and Quality, and executive director of the MHA Keystone Center

Panelists:  Dr. Leland A Babitch, MD MBA MPRO, President and CEO & Dr. J. Michael Kramer, MD, MBA, Senior Vice President and Chief Quality Officer, Spectrum Health

This program has been developed and is presented locally by GLACHE). The American College of Healthcare Executives has awarded 1.5 ACHE Face-to-Face Education Credits to this program.

11:45 Luncheon Speaker Dr. Pankaj Jandwani, VPMA Post-acute care and Chief Medical Information officer for MidMichigan

Role of Health IT in achieving accountability with population health

Cost of Attendance:

HIMSS and GLACHE members $40

Student members $15

Non-Members $ 55

Sign up Today!

Cancellation Policy: 

There is no refund for cancellations within 21 days of the program.

Questions: Marilyn Skrocki (GLACHE)


Mary Anne Ford (HIMSS)



Interactive Learning Center, 2436 Woodlake Cir #380, Okemos, MI, 48864

Contact Information

PO Box 68013
Grand Rapids, MI 49516

P: 616.456.8013
F: 888.776.7457


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